The Fascia-Informed Therapist™ Podcast; Occupational Therapy, Myofascial Release, Fascial System, Posture, Movement, and More
Welcome to ”The Fascia-Informed Therapist Podcast,” the ultimate resource for Occupational Therapy Practitioners and health professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of fascia’s pivotal role in the body. Our mission is to empower you with the confidence to integrate the latest fascia science into your traditional or non-traditional practice. Through our expert-led discussions, we offer high-quality, evidence-based insights and practical tools to enhance your therapeutic approach. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of fascia, featuring interviews with therapists who are applying the science of fascia in both traditional and non-traditional settings, thought-provoking case studies, and exclusive continuing education opportunities tailored for the modern healthcare practitioner. Whether you’re an experienced therapist or just starting, our community is designed to support your journey in becoming a more well-rounded and effective, fascia-informed professional. All health and wellness professionals are invited to dive into this rich field of study with us and transform your practice. Let’s unravel the mysteries of fascia together!

Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Listen as Lauren enthusiastically explains how she applies fascia science concepts in her daily practice with a huge variety of patients. She not only educates her patient about fascia, but also her colleagues and referral sources. She's got so many great ideas!
Want to become fascia-informed? Sign up for our newsletter and check out our course library here: The Fascia-Informed Therapist ™ - Grounded in science. Practicing on the cutting edge. (
Side note: It was Lauren who encouraged me to do the podcast. Thank you, Lauren!

Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Today I went to give a talk to the public about fascia. I use a simple framework that I can condense or expand depending on the situation and the time I have available. I use a similar framework when I am talking to potential referral sources. Have you been asked to speak about fascia? Here's my framework... Resources - The Fascia-Informed Therapist ™ ( My friend who invited me to speak said her group really enjoyed it and said they learned a lot! You are welcome to use my framework as it is or use it to think about creating your own framework. Hint: It helps to get very familiar with the science. Take the course!

Sunday Jul 21, 2024
Sunday Jul 21, 2024
In this episode, I answer this question that I get quite often. Additionally, I'm asked where I should go and who should I learn from? There is a lot of innovation going on in the world of fascia, some good and some not so good. When you know the science, you can decide for yourself.
Start learning today with our free 1-hour CE course. Health Professionals | Mayer Fascia Wellness (

Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
After teaching a fascia science and myofascial self-treatment workshop to a group of future occupational therapists, I was thrilled with the innovative ideas they can up with to apply the skills. I was so excited with one answer that I had to hug this future OT. The response also got me interested in what the science had to say about this topic.
Curious about more science application? Take our free 1-hour CE. The Fascia-Informed Therapist ™ - Grounded in science. Practicing on the cutting edge. (

Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Incorporating fascia science into practice not only enriches the practitioner's toolkit but also enhances the overall quality and effectiveness of client care throughout the entire process. By staying informed about this emerging field, practitioners can remain at the forefront of therapeutic innovation and improve outcomes for their clients as well as collaborate with other disciplines who are engaging with this important information.

Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
I don't take many new clients anymore, but this mom contacted me directly asking if I would. Her daughter has jaw pain and she heard we could help. To her, the pain came from nowhere and kept getting worse. Fascia science helped them understand where it was likely coming from and what they could do next. Spoiler alert... she walked out feeling much better and has a plan to keep the healing going.
Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD) affects over 80 million adults and over 8 million children and adolescents in the United States (The TMJ Association, 2022). We need more practitioners who can treat this often-debilitating condition. The Fascia-Informed Therapist ™ - Grounded in science. Practicing on the cutting edge. (

Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Healing is never linear, but we do have the ability to help our clients improve their trajectory. How? Fascia science of course. By taking a wholistic approach to problems we treat regularly we can address not only the problem at hand but also underlying issues that may be slowing down progress. Empowering our clients with this information may help them heal faster and stay well. The Fascia-Informed Therapist ™ - Grounded in science. Practicing on the cutting edge. (

Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
As a fascia-informed™ therapist, I help build resilient clients. What does this mean? They are able to have a flare-up or even a new issue and know what to do to heal themselves. It makes my day to have a client excited to tell me they had a flare-up, but it didn't last. This week I had three. I love my practice!

Sunday Jun 09, 2024
Sunday Jun 09, 2024
My highest performing blog post was written in 2020 and has had 27.4K views! The runner up was written in 2019 and has had 17K. Neither blog is about fascia or myofascial release. However, the blog itself contains how fascia is relevant to these topics. I'm continually surprised by these statistics. People have questions about their bodies and understanding fascia can help us answer their questions.

Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
I recently saw a post telling therapists they didn't need to tell clients about the science behind their techniques because they don't care. Mine do. In junior high we start learning about how our bodies and all the systems within it work. Fascia is a system that gives us a more complete understanding of how out bodies work and people need to know about this system. Providing information while collaborating with your client is so important. Please talk to your clients about science but do it in a way that is relevant to them. They will care.

I’m your host, Amy Mayer, an experienced occupational therapist, practice owner, and dedicated educator.
Here, on The Fascia-Informed Therapist™ Podcast we’ll dive into the fascinating world of fascia, exploring its significance in the human body and its critical influence on occupational therapy practice.
Each episode, we’ll bring you cutting-edge insights, expert interviews, and practical strategies to help you confidently integrate the science of fascia into your therapeutic approach. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, our goal is to equip you with high-quality, evidence-based, and fascia-informed continuing education opportunities that will enhance your skills and benefit your clients.
Join us as we unravel the complexities of fascia and transform the way you practice occupational therapy. All health and wellness practitioners are welcome – let’s learn, grow, and evolve together.